Thursday, November 13, 2008

Video in online annual reports – a moving experience

Video provides an interactive experience of key people in your organisation that is far more engaging than static photographs. At relatively small expense, video can unleash the Chairman and CEO in true dynamic style to give shareholders a ‘real’ experience of how competent they are in delivering the company’s results and potential for the future. Video can reveal a lot more about a person than a static photo can. This requires a decision on what style of presentation best suits the subject and the objectives of the video. Is the subject dressed formally or informally... in the boardroom or in the workplace... delivering a monologue or engaged in active discussion with an interviewer in a Q&A scenario? Beware however that the larger the video file the longer the download time. 

Both of the following examples take time to download, but the experience is worthwhile. They are expensive productions and probably beyond the budget of many companies, but serve to demonstrate what can be achieved.

The Philips President does a great job projecting a bold and confident face to shareholders. Integrating graphics with his video is particularly convincing.

The Sainsbury report adopts the ‘page turning’ method which is not universally liked. The design firm SAS however, has reproduced all text at a readable size, and included animated items and ‘hidden text’ that can be uncovered by pulling tabs or peeling back the photos. Ingenuous and engaging. Sainsbury are to be applauded for having an introductory and closing video that explains what they have done and why.

Tony Heywood is a Fellow of the Design Institute of Australia, founder of Heywood Innovation in Sydney Australia and joint founder of BrandSynergy in Singapore.

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